How to Obtain Call Records for a Metro PCS

With the convenience of unlimited calling for one price, it is no wonder you would want a Metro PCS phone. However, there are times, for various reasons, that you would want a call record of the phone calls you have made or received from your phone. Federal Law requires all phone companies to keep a log of usage on file; however, they are not required to automatically send it to customers. To keep rates as low as possible, Metro PCS has done away with paper billing; therefore, calling records are available by request only. Obtaining Metro PCS calling records may be time consuming, but it can be done.

Contact a Metro PCS customer service rep by calling 1 (888) Metro 8. This number can also be reached by dialing *611 on your Metro PCS phone. Be ready to give your account information to the service technician when your call is answered.

Provide your account information and zip code to the Metro PCS customer service rep once your call is connected to an available service rep. Providing your zip code will allow the representative to give you directions to the closest Metro PCS store that can print out your call records.

Visit your main Metro PCS store to make your request for the calling records. You may need bring an authorization of your request to obtain the calling records if the account does not belong to you. This can be a letter or court order from a judge ordering the production of the calling records.


Be prepared for a small fee for your request.

Make sure to only visit your main Metro PCS store when making your request. Authorized dealer locations may not have access to call records.