Free Progress Report Essay Example

In today's business atmosphere, employees have found that the capacity to investigate, sort out, and compose different kinds of writings is a basic segment of numerous positions, including those that are essentially specialized in nature. Organizations anticipate that representatives will speak plainly and effectively with both partners and colleagues.
As a SVSU student I am provided with great opportunities to achieve development in personal and intellectual ways as well as learning highly professional and cultural programs. The University contributes much to the improving leadership skills and advancing the ability to adapt to every sphere of social life.
The Progress Report highlights the main aspects of the course and is divided into several parts, including: professional goals, progress toward professional development, tasks completed, tasks remaining, challenges, lessons learned. Each part contains the description of the activities and assignments that were completed.

Professional goals

Every course is characterized by several goals. The success of the whole course depends on the completion of those goals. The professional goals that I had to reach during this course are the following:

Understanding the writing process, writing techniques and approaches.

Learning basic principles of writing to managers.
Understanding of professional communication and its main types.
Being able to indicate the purposes for the writing in different professions.
Exploring the connection between good communication in different aspects like speaking, writing and design and my own professional development.
Exploring various dimensions of social and rhetorical spheres in design and writing skills. There should be knowledge audience, content and purposes during communication process.

Exploring connections between such professional qualities as responsibility, expertise, trust that facilitate the process of communication and improve career prospects.

The completion of all these goals will mean a successful completion of the course. If all the aims would be achieved I definitely gain professional skills in writing and communicating with others.

Progress toward your professional development goal(s)

While studying the course I noticed a significant progress toward my professional development goals. Various assignments, workshops, group projects facilitated significantly my progress toward the professional development goals. During the Writing in the Professions course I studied various purposes of the writing, compelling sentences, international communication and the process of communication itself.

Tasks completed

Working on the Progress Report there were multiple tasks completed. I have learned the notions of audience, communication purpose, its process, context and content. During the course I have completed a resume and a letter of application as well as I studied art, technology and copyright law. Moreover, I have created the substance of my interchanges through examination and reflection.
I was working on composing procedures fitting to different written work tasks, tried to identify the audience of my messages and describe the main characteristics of the readers so that I could address them directly through my writings. I organized my communication with the use of transitional statements and headings as well as effective design of the page. The learning of various letter, resume and memoranda formats helped to establish productive communication. I have learned to use computer technology to solve various communication problems in the effective way.
Completing all the above mentioned tasks significantly increased the possibility to succeed in my future professional life. The knowledge of effective communication according with perfect writing skills could make me a highly professional specialist.

Tasks remaining

As the Writing in the Professions course is still going on, there are some more tasks to be done. For better comprehension of the course along with achieving the goals stated above there should be done a number of activities. Writing in the Professions requires completing analysis of problems and opportunities in professional writing, learning strategic planning for proposals and grants, analyzing the context in the communication process, studying the color in design, creating a list of my personal qualifications for the proposal, examining international communication and presenting a final project for showing perfect understanding of the whole course.
The tasks remained may be changed as the process of acquiring new skills depends on many aspects. The process of learning is changing with the course of time and may be tailored according to the needs of a particular period.


While working on the Progress Report I should have highlighted certain challenges that I faced during the course. One of the main challenges on my way toward professional development was implementation of my knowledge to real life conditions. I have completed many tasks, created some projects, but now it is time to implement all that I have learned during the course for promotion of my career. At first it was not easy enough to use all the writing knowledge in my communication but I soon got used to them and now I only have to master them all.

Lessons learned

The Writing in the Professions course has taught me a lot. With every task completed I have becoming a more professional person. I have learned how to make my communication an efficient one, how to reach my aims. I was challenged by not being able to send my message to other people but now I could say that I become a person who can get what he/she wants. I know how to create a goal and how to achieve it, I learned how to find approach to different people and make it work for me.


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