Hp prime rpn spreadsheet

Download PDF from Cached Archive (file size 8MB) October 2014 Edition

Download PDF from Cached Archive (file size 5MB) July 2013 Edition

Contents of HP Prime Manual

HP Prime Graphing Calculator User Guide

1 Getting started with HP Prime

On/off, cancel operations

Sections of the display

Entry and edit keys

Specifying a Home setting

Choosing an entry type

Reusing previous expressions and results

Storing a value in a variable

2 Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) on HP Prime

History in RPN mode

Manipulating the stack

3 Computer algebra system (CAS) on HP Prime

4 Exam Mode on HP Prime

Modifying the default configuration

Creating a new configuration

Activating Exam Mode

Cancelling exam mode

To change a configuration

To return to the default configuration

5 An introduction to HP apps on HP Prime

Symbolic Setup view

Plot Setup view

Numeric Setup view

Common operations in Symbolic view

Symbolic view: Summary of menu buttons

Common operations in Symbolic Setup view

Common operations in Plot view

Plot view: Summary of menu buttons

Common operations in Plot Setup view

Configure Plot view

Common operations in Numeric view

Numeric view: Summary of menu buttons

Common operations in Numeric Setup view

Combining Plot and Numeric Views

Adding a note to an app

Creating an app

App functions and variables

6 Function app on HP Prime

Getting started with the Function app

The Function Variables

Summary of FCN operations

7 Advanced Graphing app

Getting started with the Advanced Graphing app

Exploring a plot from the Plot Gallery

8 Geometry on HP Prime

Getting started with the Geometry app

Plot view in detail

Plot Setup view

Symbolic view in detail

Symbolic Setup view

Numeric view in detail

Geometry functions and commands

Symbolic view: Cmds menu

Numeric view: Cmds menu

Other Geometry functions

9 Spreadsheet on HP Prime

Getting started with the Spreadsheet app

Navigation, selection and gestures

Using the CAS in spreadsheet calculations

Buttons and keys

10 Statistics 1Var app on HP Prime

Getting started with the Statistics 1Var app

Entering and editing statistical data

Setting up the plot (Plot Setup view)

Exploring the graph

11 Statistics 2Var app on HP Prime

Getting started with the Statistics 2Var app

Entering and editing statistical data

Numeric view menu items

Defining a regression model

Plotting statistical data

Plot view: menu items

Troubleshooting a plot

12 Inference app on HP Prime

Getting started with the Inference app

13 Solve app on HP Prime

Getting started with the Solve app

14 Linear Solver app on HP Prime

Getting started with the Linear Solver app

15 Parametric app on HP Prime

Getting started with the Parametric app

16 Polar app on HP Prime

Getting started with the Polar app

17 Sequence app on HP Prime

Getting started with the Sequence app

Another example: Explicitly-defined sequences

18 Finance app on HP Prime

Getting Started with the Finance app

Time value of money (TVM)

TVM calculations: Another example

19 Triangle Solver app on HP Prime

Getting started with the Triangle Solver app

Choosing triangle types

20 The Explorer apps on HP Prime

Linear Explorer app

Quadratic Explorer app

Trig Explorer app

21 Functions and commands on HP Prime