Open Gov­ern­ment

The State of Texas has many open government laws to help make the work of the state transparent to the public. The primary open government laws are the Texas Public Information Act and the Texas Open Meeting Act. To learn more, click one of the choices below.

Public Information Act

The Public Information Act determines how information is made available to members of the public.

Open Meetings Act

The Open Meetings Act determines how public meetings must operate.

Open Reports & Publications

Access to public data and reports

Public Information Act

General Background Information about the Public Information Act

Information about the Public Information Process

08/15/23: 2023 Texas Legislative Session Update

Learn more about the 2023 Texas Legislative Session Update.

07/01/21: Open Meetings Act Suspension Updates

The Office of the Attorney General to lift the suspensions of certain provisions of the Open Meetings Act.

03/16/20: Open Meetings Act Update

Learn more about open meetings procedures during the Coronavirus disaster.

Members of the Public

Texas Flag

The Public Information Act protects the ability of citizens to access information maintained by governmental bodies and obtain a more complete understanding of how their government works.

Governmental Bodies


The Office of the Attorney General works to ensure governmental bodies in Texas remain open and accountable to the people they serve because government elevates the public to their proper role as partners in leadership with governmental bodies.

Requesting Office of the Attorney General Records

Shelves of law books

How to submit a request for records maintained by the Office of the Attorney General.