Click on Build Fontana to create an account, verify checklists and submit your applications.
*The Checklists and Fee Schedules below can also be found on our Build Fontana webpage.
- Appeal Application (PDF)
- Building Relocation Application (PDF)
- Environmental Information Form (PDF)
- Notarized Property Owner Affidavit (PDF)
- Sidewalk Vending Application (PDF)
- WQMP - Water Quality Management Plan Application (PDF)
- Zoning and Re-Build Letter Request (311 Fontana Portal)
- Appeals Checklist (PDF)
- Conditional Use Permit and Minor Use Permit - Amendment (PDF)
- Conditional Use Permit and Minor Use Permit - ABC Establishments (PDF)
- Conditional Use Permit and Minor Use Permit - Commercial and Industrial (PDF)
- Conditional Use Permit and Minor Use Permit - Residential (PDF)
- Director’s Determination (PDF)
- Design Review and Administrative Site Plan (PDF)
- General Plan Amendment (PDF)
- Home Occupation Permit (PDF)
- Lot Line Adjustment (PDF)
- Pre-Annexation Agreement (PDF)
- RIMC - Recreational Indoor Marijuana Cultivation Ordinance No. 1794 (PDF)
- Signs (PDF)
- Specifications for Large Notification Signs (PDF)
- Specific Plan Amendment (PDF)
- Temporary Use Permit (PDF)
- Tentative Tract Map and Tentative Parcel Map (PDF)
- Time Extension (PDF)
- Variance (PDF)
- Zone Change and Municipal Code Amendments (PDF)
Fee Schedules
For more information, please contact the Planning Department at (909) 350-6718 or email.